Test Spring Cron Expressions

How to Test Spring Cron Expressions and Print Next Instances

Learn how to test Spring cron expressions using CronExpression class present in the Spring-Context library. Print the next few instances of the cron expression schedule with our step-by-step guide. Keep your recurring tasks running smoothly!


Spring Cron expressions are an efficient way to schedule recurring tasks in your Spring application. However, it’s important to test and debug these expressions to ensure that they’re running as expected. In this article, we’ll show you how to test your Spring cron expressions using the CronExpression class present in the Spring-Context library. We’ll also demonstrate how to print the next few instances of your cron expression schedule.

Before we dive in, let’s briefly recap the basics of Spring Cron Expression. If you’re new to cron expressions, we recommend you read our earlier article on Mastering Spring Cron Expressions.

Using the CronExpression Class

Now that we understand the basics of cron expressions, let’s take a look at a program that uses the CronExpression class to evaluate the user input and print the next few instances of the cron expression schedule.

CronExpression class is present in the Spring-Context library. Make sure to include the below dependency in your project’s pom.xml.

import org.springframework.scheduling.support.CronExpression;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class CronExpressionParser {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
        String input;
        do {
            System.out.print("Enter cron expression (or type 'exit' to quit): ");
            input = scanner.nextLine();
            if (input.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) {
            try {
                CronExpression cronExpression = CronExpression.parse(input);
                System.out.println("Cron Expression: " + input);
                LocalDateTime now = LocalDateTime.now();
                LocalDateTime nextExecutionTime = cronExpression.next(now);

                DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

                System.out.println("Next few instances:");
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
                    nextExecutionTime = cronExpression.next(nextExecutionTime);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Invalid cron expression");
        } while (true);

The code uses a Scanner to read input from the user. It prompts the user to enter a cron expression or type “exit” to quit.

It then creates a CronExpression object by calling the parse() method on the input string. If the input is not a valid cron expression, it catches the exception and prints “Invalid cron expression”.

If the input is a valid cron expression, it prints the expression and gets the current date and time using LocalDateTime.now(). It then calls the next() method on the CronExpression object, passing in the current date and time, to get the next execution time.

It uses a DateTimeFormatter to format the date and time as a string and prints it to the console. It then calls next() on the CronExpression object again to get the next execution time, and repeat this process to get the next few instances of the cron expression.

The while loop continues until the user types “exit”.

Overall, this code allows the user to enter a cron expression and see the next few instances of when the expression will execute. It is a useful tool for testing cron expressions and ensuring that they are working as expected.


Below code snippet shows a sample output of the above program in which we have entered a cron expression which runs every 5 minutes.

Enter cron expression (or type 'exit' to quit): 0 0/5 * * * *
Cron Expression: 0 0/5 * * * *
Next few instances:
2023-04-16 02:55:00
2023-04-16 03:00:00
2023-04-16 03:05:00
2023-04-16 03:10:00
2023-04-16 03:15:00
Enter cron expression (or type 'exit' to quit): exit

Deprecated Class

The CronSequenceGenerator class was used in earlier versions of Spring for generating a sequence of dates based on a cron expression. However, it has been deprecated in favor of using the CronExpression class, which provides a more robust and reliable way to work with cron expressions. If you have code that is still using the CronSequenceGenerator class, it is recommended to update it to use the CronExpression class instead.


What is the CronExpression class in Spring?

The CronExpression class is a utility class provided by the Spring framework that allows developers to work with cron expressions in their applications. It provides methods to parse cron expressions, validate them, and calculate the next execution times.

How do I use the CronExpression class in Spring?

To use the CronExpression class in Spring, you can simply include the “spring-context” library in your project and create an instance of the CronExpression class. You can then use the various methods provided by the class to parse and validate cron expressions, and to calculate the next execution times.

How do I test my cron expressions using the CronExpression class?

To test your cron expressions using the CronExpression class, you can create an instance of the CronExpression class using your cron expression, and then use the next() method to calculate the next execution times. You can then compare the calculated next execution times with your expected results to ensure that your cron expressions are working as expected.

How does the CronExpression class differ from the deprecated CronSequenceGenerator class?

The CronExpression class provides a more robust and reliable way to work with cron expressions compared to the deprecated CronSequenceGenerator class. It provides additional validation and error checking, and supports more advanced features such as cron expression ranges and increments. If you are currently using the CronSequenceGenerator class, it is recommended to update your code to use the CronExpression class instead.

Can CronExpression class handle multiple cron expressions at once?

No, the CronExpression class can only handle a single cron expression at a time.

What happens if I enter an invalid cron expression?

CronExpression.parse() method will throw an IllegalArgumentException, and you can catch this exception and handle it appropriately in your code.

How do I format the output of CronExpression.next(Date date) method to display in a specific time zone?

You can use the atOffset() method to create an OffsetDateTime object from a LocalDateTime object, and then use the atZoneSameInstant() method to adjust the time zone.

Things to Consider

It is important to keep in mind some best practices when working with cron expressions. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Be careful with time zones. Cron expressions are evaluated based on the system time zone, which can lead to unexpected behavior if you are not aware of the time zone differences.
  • Use descriptive expressions. Try to use descriptive expressions that clearly communicate when the job will run, rather than relying on complex and obscure expressions.
  • Test thoroughly. Always test your cron expressions thoroughly to make sure that they are working as expected. Use a tool like the program we demonstrated in this post to check the next few instances of when the expression will execute.


Testing Spring cron expressions using the CronExpression class present in Spring-Context library is a crucial step in ensuring that your recurring tasks run smoothly. By following our step-by-step guide, you can easily test your cron expressions and print the next few instances of your schedule.

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