Jar vs War

Java Packaging Explained: JAR vs WAR vs EAR vs Fat JAR

Confused about JAR vs WAR vs EAR vs Fat JAR in Java? Our comprehensive guide simplifies these archive types, helping you make informed choices for efficient packaging and deployment.


When diving into Java development, you’ll come across different file formats like JAR, WAR, EAR, and Fat JAR. Each of these files serves a unique purpose and has its specific use cases. Understanding their differences and knowing when to use them can be challenging. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the fundamentals of each file type, their characteristics, and the scenarios where they are most appropriate. By the end of this article, you’ll have a clear understanding of these file formats, enabling you to make the right choices for your Java projects.

JAR (Java Archive)

Java Archive (JAR) files are the most common file format in Java development. They act as containers, packaging Java classes, resources, and libraries into a single, compressed file. JAR files have a “.jar” extension and can be executed using the “java -jar” command. They are ideal for distributing Java libraries or standalone applications.


A typical JAR file has the following structure:

- Compiled Java classes
- Third-party libraries
- Other resources
JAR Structure
  1. Compiled Java classes: The compiled bytecode of Java classes that make up the application’s logic.
  2. Third-party libraries: External Java libraries (JAR files) used by the application for additional functionalities.
  3. META-INF: A directory that typically contains metadata information about the JAR file, such as the MANIFEST.MF file. The manifest file defines attributes and configurations for the JAR, including the main class (the entry point of the application) and version information.
  4. Other resources: Additional files like configuration data, properties, or other assets required by the application.

Use Cases

  • Library Distribution: JAR files are commonly used to distribute reusable Java libraries. These libraries can be included in other projects to provide additional functionality and streamline development.
  • Executable Applications: JAR files can also contain a Main-Class attribute in their manifest, enabling them to be executed as standalone applications, making them a portable option for software distribution.

When to Use JAR?

  • When you want to distribute a collection of Java classes, resources, and libraries in a single file.
  • When you have a small to medium-sized Java application that doesn’t require web-specific deployment.

WAR (Web Application Archive)

Web Application Archive (WAR) files are specifically designed for packaging web applications. They bundle JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, and other web resources into a structured directory hierarchy. WAR files have a “.war” extension and can be deployed on web servers like Apache Tomcat, JBoss, or WebSphere.


A typical WAR file has the following structure:

  - web.xml (Deployment descriptor)
  - classes/ (Compiled Java classes)
  - lib/ (Third-party libraries)
- index.html (Entry point of the web application)
- other web resources (HTML, CSS, JS files, etc.)
WAR Structure
  1. META-INF: This directory contains metadata information about the WAR file, and it may include the MANIFEST.MF file. The manifest file is optional and contains attributes and configurations for the WAR file, such as version information and main class.
  2. WEB-INF: This directory is a standard directory in a WAR file and contains configuration files and resources that are not directly accessible by the client (web browser).
    • web.xml: The web.xml file is the deployment descriptor for the web application. It defines how the web application should be configured and managed by the servlet container or Java web server. It includes mappings for servlets, filters, listeners, and other web application settings.
    • classes/: The classes directory holds the compiled Java classes of the web application. These classes are responsible for the application’s business logic and other functionalities.
    • lib/: The lib directory contains third-party libraries (JAR files) that the web application depends on. These libraries are often required for the application to work correctly.
    • other configuration files (Optional): This section may contain additional configuration files specific to the web application.
  3. Other web resources: This section represents any additional web resources required by the application, such as HTML files, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript files, images, and more.

Use Cases

  • Web Application Deployment: WAR files are the standard packaging format for web applications. They encapsulate all the necessary resources and configurations needed for easy deployment on web servers.
  • Distributing Web Applications: Using WAR files, you can conveniently package and distribute your web applications, ensuring consistency in deployment across different environments.

When to Use WAR?

  • When you are developing a Java web application that will be deployed on a web server or servlet container.
  • When you need to package all the components of a web application into a single file for easy distribution and deployment.

EAR (Enterprise Archive)

Enterprise Archive (EAR) files are used for enterprise-level applications that consist of multiple modules. They package one or more WAR files, EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) JAR files, and other resources into a cohesive unit. EAR files have a “.ear” extension and are deployed on Java EE application servers like JBoss or WebLogic. EAR files are used for deploying large, multi-tier enterprise applications.


A typical EAR file has the following structure:

- EJB modules (EJB-JAR files)
- WAR modules (Web Application Archives)
- Other libraries or resources
EAR Structure
  1. META-INF: This directory contains metadata information about the EAR file, and it includes the application.xml file. The application.xml is the deployment descriptor for the EAR file and defines the structure of the enterprise application, specifying the modules included in the EAR.
  2. EJB modules: This directory holds one or more EJB-JAR files, each representing one or more Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components. Each EJB-JAR may have its own optional ejb-jar.xml deployment descriptor.
  3. WAR modules: This directory contains one or more Web Application Archives (WAR files), each representing a web application. Each WAR file has its own web.xml deployment descriptor.
  4. Other libraries or resources: In an EAR file, you may have additional resources or libraries required for the application, such as utility JARs, configuration files, properties files, or other resources specific to the enterprise application.

Use Cases

  • Enterprise-level Applications: EAR files are essential for large-scale projects that require the integration of multiple components. They enable the seamless collaboration of different modules, such as web applications, EJBs, and other enterprise services.
  • Application Server Deployment: When deploying complex Java applications on Java EE application servers, EAR files offer a standardized way to organize and manage the various components, simplifying deployment and ensuring proper functioning.

When to Use EAR?

  • When you are developing a complex Java EE application with multiple modules and dependencies.
  • When you want to separate different application components for efficient management and deployment.

Fat JAR (Executable JAR or Uber JAR)

Fat JAR, also known as Uber JAR, is an executable JAR file that includes both the application’s classes and its dependencies, making it a self-contained package. It eliminates the need for external dependencies during runtime. This means you can distribute and run the application without worrying about external dependencies.


A typical Fat JAR file has the following structure:

- Compiled Java classes
- Third-party libraries (dependencies)
- Other resources (e.g., configuration files, properties, etc.)
Fat JAR Structure
  1. META-INF: This directory contains metadata information about the JAR file, and it may include the MANIFEST.MF file. The manifest file is optional and can include attributes and configurations for the JAR, such as version information and main class.
  2. Compiled Java classes: This directory holds the compiled Java classes of the application. These classes are the executable bytecode that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and constitutes the application’s logic.
  3. Third-party libraries (dependencies): This directory contains all the third-party libraries (JAR files) that the application depends on. These libraries are bundled within the JAR to ensure the application has access to them, making the JAR self-contained.
  4. Other resources: This section represents any additional resources required by the application, such as configuration files, properties files, templates, images, or any other assets needed for the application’s operation.

Use Cases

  • Portable Application Distribution: Fat JARs are a popular choice for creating portable and self-contained Java applications. They encapsulate all required dependencies, ensuring the application runs consistently across different environments.
  • Simplified Deployment: By bundling all dependencies into a single JAR, Fat JARs reduce the complexity of managing external dependencies, making the deployment process more straightforward and less error-prone.

When to Use Fat JAR?

  • When you want a single, self-contained JAR file that can be easily executed without relying on external libraries.
  • When you are building microservices or containerized applications that need to be portable and isolated.


Can I deploy a JAR file as a web application?

No, JAR files are not designed for web applications. Use WAR files for deploying web applications on web servers.

When should I use an EAR file?

EAR files are best suited for large-scale enterprise applications that consist of multiple modules, such as EJBs and web applications.

Are Fat JARs platform-independent?

Yes, Fat JARs contain all the necessary dependencies, making them portable and platform-independent.

Is it possible to deploy multiple WAR files within a single Java EE application server instance?

Yes, Java EE application servers support deploying multiple WAR files within a single instance. Each WAR file will have its context, allowing them to run independently and coexist within the same application server.

Can I convert a JAR file into a WAR or EAR file?

No, you cannot directly convert a JAR file into a WAR or EAR file. JAR files are for packaging Java classes and libraries, while WAR and EAR files have specific structures and purposes for web applications and enterprise-level projects. To create a WAR or EAR file, you need to organize your project’s components according to the respective standards and configurations.

Things to Consider

  1. Project Size and Complexity:
    • For smaller projects with limited dependencies, a simple JAR file might suffice.
    • Larger and more complex projects, particularly those with multiple modules and dependencies, may require WAR, EAR, or Fat JAR files to manage resources effectively.
  2. Deployment Environment:
    • Use WAR files for web applications deployed on web servers.
    • Deploy EAR files on Java EE application servers for complex enterprise applications.
    • Opt for Fat JARs when you need a self-contained, standalone executable.
  3. Dependency Management:
    • If your project has complex dependencies, Fat JARs can simplify the deployment process by including all necessary dependencies in one file.
    • For more extensive projects with distinct modules, EAR files facilitate dependency management and ensure proper resource sharing.
  4. Ease of Distribution:
    • Fat JARs are advantageous for distributing self-contained applications, as they require no additional setup steps.
    • JARs, WARs, and EARs may need extra configuration when deploying on specific environments or application servers.


Understanding the differences between JAR, WAR, EAR, and Fat JAR files is essential for any Java developer. Each file format serves specific purposes, from packaging libraries to deploying web applications and enterprise-level projects. By considering your project’s requirements and deployment environment, you can make informed decisions on which file format to choose. Whether it’s a JAR for a standalone application, a WAR for a web project, an EAR for enterprise-level integration, or a Fat JAR for self-contained distribution, you now have the knowledge to select the most suitable file type for your Java development needs. Happy coding!

Learn More


Interested in learning more?

Check out our blog on how to generate both normal and executable JARs for your Spring Boot applications.

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